This is a collection of answers that people have sent me. This collection will be updated continuously. To be part of it, visit
No. 16
“I am proud that I was able to think critically at a young age and left the cult I was born into and now live an independent, happy life and study for a Master’s degree.”
(23 years old)
No. 15
“I achived many things in life, but nothing made me more proud than birthing my daughter and being the first to hold her, like a animal in the wild. I felt so powerful and like I was reborn with her.”
(35 years old)
No. 14
“I have finished my apprenticeship as a road builder and still work as such.”
(22 years old)
No. 13
“I am proud to have healed myself. My eating disorder shaped part of my life. Why am I proud of it? Because I consciously gave up my role as a victim, and chose to live my life on my own terms. Because I gave myself permission to heal.”
(29 years old)
No. 12
“That I overcame myself in the thermal bath to get into the 8 degree cold water pool twice for a few seconds. It wasn’t as bad as I had imagined. I thought, if I can’t even master this small challenge, how will I manage the bigger ones?”
(31 years old)
No. 11
“I am proud of my strong will. I have been through things that most people can’t even comprehend, and I am proud to say that my will never fully broke. Even at the worst points, I found and made new reasons to fight. I am alive and even thriving due to my iron will, even after surviving horrible things.”
(25 years old)
No. 10
“That I have faced the blank sheet and the associated thoughts, emotions and today have regained some of the freedom of that time when painting … That I despite all the heavy always try to include humor 😉 ”
(32 years old)
No. 9
“Despite what happened to me, I have a great life and most of the time I have a positive attitude 😊 I’m so proud of that.”
(27 years old)
No. 8
“My kids, each and every one has found their way in life and live it.”
(57 years old)
No. 7
“I am proud of the fact that I managed to break free from dysfunctional family patterns and thus got to know my true personality and what I want in life. The basis for what followed; The thing I am probably most proud of: My relationship. This is how I was able to get to know my husband first and have been leading a healthy, respectful relationship at eye level and under mindful communication for 6 years now. Before that, and without the path of confrontation with myself, my family and my environment, I would never have been able to allow and live such a great love.”
(39 years old)
No. 6
“What am I proud of in my life? That I can be a role model for others/younger; if I made it through, you will too. Or to put it another way; why shouldn’t you make it? Despite my path and past, you can manage to leave something positive in your life.”
(26 years old)
No. 5
“That there are people and animals for whom my voice carries weight, who count on me and trust me in all situations. Why: because it means genuine appreciation that is freely given. And which I have also earned to a certain extent with my honesty and loyalty.”
(unknown age)
No. 4
“Made the decision 14 months ago that I needed help from a psychiatrist. After 6 months of therapy I realized for the first time that I suffer from an atypical form of PTSD (incl. anxiety disorder etc.). Made the decision to forgive my tormentor and during this time I then met my girlfriend. (A few weeks before).”
(23 years old)
No. 3
“Listened to the most hated person in the office on day X, understood, helped her and now we don’t hate each other anymore. Sometimes a little extra love helps against office dragons. Felt like a hero! 😎👍 ”
(31 years old)
No. 2
“To have made my father proud.”
(16 years old)
No. 1
“There are a lot of things I am proud of, but most of them I have kept to myself. One of those things is that I have managed to build incredible resilience, work through my trauma and heal myself. None of my family members or friends know that.”
(17 years old)
In the memotheque I regularly share more answers.